Approach Phenomenology

Researchers in the view of phenomenological attempts to understand the meaning of events and linkages to the ordinary people in certain situations. Phenomenological sociology basically strongly influenced by Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schultz. Other influences came from Weber who put pressure on verstehn, namely interpretive understanding of human understanding. Fenomoenologi not assume that researchers know the meaning of something for people who are being investigated by them.

Phenomenological inquiry started with silence. Silence is an action to uncover the meaning something that is being studied. Emphasized by the phenomenologists is subjective aspects of people's behavior. They tried to enter the conceptual world of subjects studied in such a way that they understand what and bagaiaman a notion developed by them in the vicinity of the incident in his daily life. The phenomenologist believes that living things available on various ways to interpret the experience through interaction with others, and that understanding is our experience that forms reality.

There are various branches of qualitative research, but all the same opinion about the purpose penertian research subjects, namely view from "their perspective". If examined carefully, the phrase "from their perspective" to the problem. The problem is "in terms of their view" is not an expression used by the subjects themselves and not necessarily represent the way they think. "From their point of view" is how researchers use it as an approach in her work. So, "from their point of view" is konstrak research. Viewing the subject from this perspective the results probably will force the subject is to experience a world foreign to him.
Actually, the world's efforts to interfere with the subjects by researchers however necessary in the study. If not, researchers will make the interpretation and should have a conceptual framework to interpret. Qualitative researchers believe that the approach others with the aim of trying to understand their views to hinder the experience of subjects. For qualitative researchers there is a difference in (1) The degree to overcome the problem of methodological / conceptual and (2) how to overcome them. Some researchers tried to make "pure phenomenological description." On the other hand, other researchers less care and trying to form abstraction by interpreting data based on "their point of view." Whatever the position of a researcher, which obviously he must be aware of the problem is theoretical and methodological issues.
Phenomenological qualitative researchers tend to be oriented, but most of them are not radicals, but the idealist view. They put pressure on the subjective aspect, but they do not need menoklak reality is "in there", meaning they do not need urgent or contrary to the views of those able to resist the action. As an illustration given example, such teachers may believe that he is able to penetrate the brick wall, but to achieve it requires thinking. Essentially, the stone was hard to penetrate, but the teacher does not need to feel that he is unable to walk through that wall.

Kulaitatif researchers emphasize subjective thinking because, as they see, the world is dominated by the subjects that are less harsh  with stones. Man about the same as 'small engine' that can do something. We live in our imagination, more symbolic than concrete background.